Category Archives: Patient Education

Dental Inlays VS Onlays

There are a number of dental procedures that the public is familiar with even if [...]

Clearing up the Confusion about Dental Insurance

Somethings in life are pretty easy to understand. Two plus two is four.  Don’t yell [...]

Tips for Helping Senior Patients Care for their Teeth

There comes a time when the loved ones who taught us how to tie our [...]

Fluoride treatments can help keep cavities at bay

Ben Franklin said that, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure,” and [...]

What to Know if You Have Bad Breath

Aside from stains on your teeth, bad breath is one of the most frequent dental [...]

Why Choose An Inlay Instead Of A Filling?

If you think dental-speak can be confusing we are going to confuse you even more. [...]

Fix Cosmetic Issues With Dental Bonding

If you can fix a tooth or mask cosmetic imperfections without removing a healthy tooth [...]

How Bad Teeth Affect Your Life

Having crooked teeth, stained teeth, chipped teeth, or missing teeth doesn’t just present problems for [...]

The Causes And Effects Of Bruxism

Bruxism is the chronic grinding and clenching of your teeth. Ten percent of adults, and [...]

Is Your Jaw Talking To You?

When you open your mouth, yawn, or chew, does your jaw make clicking, popping, or [...]

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