If you can fix a tooth or mask cosmetic imperfections without removing a healthy tooth structure, then that treatment is ideal. Dentists do not want to remove healthy tooth structure if it can be avoided. That’s like removing healthy skin, or healthy organs. You wouldn’t do that because it can jeopardize your health in other ways. It leaves you vulnerable to other problems. That is the same with removing a healthy tooth structure. Dental bonding is a great way to fix many cosmetic issues without removing tooth structure.

What is Dental Bonding

Dental bonding is a treatment that adds a tooth-colored cosmetic resin material to your tooth. It can be used to fix a number of issues including:

  • Chipped or cracked teeth
  • Discolored teeth
  • To add length to teeth
  • To cover and protect vulnerable roots
  • To close diastemas or other spaces between teeth
  • To cover pits or craze lines
  • Tooth decay

The Pros and Cons of Dental Bonding

Dental bonding is fast, easy, and affordable. The treatment usually can be completed in one visit for up to three teeth. Another major advantage is that it requires little to no removal of tooth structure because the resin is added to your teeth. Therefore, nothing needs to be taken away. For this very reason, most procedures involving dental bonding do not require anesthesia.

The one drawback with dental bonding is that the composite resin material can wear away with time, or chip and fracture, if subjected to habits such as biting fingernails, using your teeth to open packaging, chewing on pens, etc. It is also not as stain-resistant as porcelain restorations.

Stay tuned to our next blog to learn more about dental bonding!

If You’re Interested In Dental Bonding, Contact Us!

If you’re interested in dental bonding or have questions you’d like answered, schedule a consultation with Just Wright Dental in Corsicana, TX, today by calling (903) 225-2221. We proudly serve patients from Navarro County, Mildred, Eureka, Ennis, Fairfield, Teague, Blooming Grove, Dawson, Hubbard, Hillsboro, Mexia, Groesbeck, Kerens, Malakoff, Rice, Centerville, Buffalo, and Athens.

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