Having crooked teeth, stained teeth, chipped teeth, or missing teeth doesn’t just present problems for your oral health, and your self-confidence; it can affect your overall life. The fact is, people with straight, bright smiles get noticed more, get more attention, more dates, have more friends, get more job offers, and actually get paid more! They are seen as intelligent, trustworthy, dependable, and self-confident. It doesn’t matter if they are truly those things, that is how people view them simply because of their smile! Don’t let bad teeth or stained teeth affect your life, try teeth whitening.

Tooth Wear and Staining

Even if you diligently take care of your teeth, as you age your teeth can become worn and stained. After all, your teeth get assaulted by all sorts of foods and beverages that can cause staining, and they are assaulted even worse if you’re a smoker. Take back your self-confidence and help improve your social and work life with professional teeth whitening.

Professional Whitening

At Just Wright Dental, we offer a take-home, professional, teeth whitening kit that can brighten your smile in as little as two weeks. The kit contains special custom-designed trays to fit your teeth snugly and a professional-grade whitening gel. Simply apply the gel to the trays and fit them over your teeth. The gel will be evenly applied to the surfaces of your teeth as you wear them each day. It is recommended that the aligners be worn for about two hours daily.  However, the whitening is done on your schedule and in the convenience of your own home.

Interested In Teeth Whitening? Let Us Know!

If you’re interested in improving your life and your smile with professional teeth whitening, let us know!  Schedule your consultation with Just Wright Dental in Corsicana, TX, today at (903) 225-2221. We proudly serve patients from Navarro County, Mildred, Eureka, Ennis, Fairfield, Teague, Blooming Grove, Dawson, Hubbard, Hillsboro, Mexia, Groesbeck, Kerens, Malakoff, Rice, Centerville, Buffalo, and Athens.

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