Tooth extraction isn’t typically the first suggestion for dental treatment, but in cases of severe dental trauma or infection, it may be the best way to protect your smile. For instance, if a tooth is so decayed that it can’t be fixed with restorative treatment, then removing it may be the only way to protect your smile spreading decay. If you have questions about tooth extraction and whether or not it’s your best choice, then speak with your dentist about the need for the procedure and what you should do afterward.
When Is Extraction the Best Choice?
Tooth extraction is typically recommended when no other restorative treatment will suffice to save a tooth. Severe tooth damage and internal tooth infection are common reasons for having to extract a tooth. However, impacted wisdom teeth (or third molars) are among the most common reasons for having to undergo tooth extraction.
Why Do I Need to Extract My Wisdom Teeth?
Wisdom teeth, or third molars, are the last set of molars to erupt, typically after the age of 17. For many patients, their eruption can lead to crowding and spacing issues, such as pushing against the molars that are already at the ends of your dental ridges. Wisdom teeth often become impacted by second molars, causing them to grow at an angle and cause increasing damage to nearby teeth and jawbone structure.
Should I Replace My Extracted Tooth?
When you extract an impacted wisdom tooth, it helps the rest of your teeth rest more comfortably and securely. However, if you extract a tooth due to extensive damage or infection, then your dentist will discuss your options for replacing it to help avoid the potential consequences of tooth loss. In many cases, a dental implant and crown restoration is the best option thanks to its ability to replace the root of your extracted tooth.
Ask Your Dentist About Tooth Extraction
To find out if you need tooth extraction to restore and preserve your smile, call Just Wright Dental in Corsicana, TX, today by calling (903) 225-2221. We also proudly welcome patients from Waxahachie, Mildred, Eureka, Ennis, Fairfield, Teague, Blooming Grove, Dawson, Hubbard, Hillsboro, Mexia, Groesbeck, Kerens, Malakoff, Rice, Centerville, Buffalo, and Athens.