Author Archives: Ward

Resolve to Have a Healthier Smile IN 2021

A New Year is just around the corner and with it often come resolutions for [...]

Dental Inlays VS Onlays

There are a number of dental procedures that the public is familiar with even if [...]

Clearing up the Confusion about Dental Insurance

Somethings in life are pretty easy to understand. Two plus two is four.  Don’t yell [...]

When it comes to whiter teeth in a flash, ZOOM is the way to go

Those morning cups of coffee may be great for jumpstarting your mornings, but they don’t [...]

Straighter teeth may be a simple solution

When most people think about what it takes to get beautiful, straight teeth, many picture [...]

What if Teeth-Whitening Can’t Brighten My Smile?

When teeth stains mar your smile’s appearance, the cosmetic treatment of choice is often professional [...]

Tips for Helping Senior Patients Care for their Teeth

There comes a time when the loved ones who taught us how to tie our [...]

Helpful Hints to Keep Extractions from Becoming a Pain

Getting a tooth pulled is generally never on anyone’s Bucket List. But should an abscess, [...]

Dental Implants Offer Life-Changing Results in Just One Day

In just one day, this gentleman enjoyed a dramatic and life changing smile transformation thanks [...]

Show off a new smile in one day

For some it’s the eyes, others say it’s hair, but according to a USA Today [...]

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